Friday, November 2, 2007

Lists, Goals, and Library 2.0

"43 Things I might want to do this year" is a good idea but then so are New Year resolutions. Remember me ? The memory challenged one who forgets if she has applied her deodorant? Notes and lists are great so long as you can remember where you put them. How many times have a made a grocery list only to get to the store without it!

Back in my past working life as a salesperson/management part of my job was to make sales goals and have my employees also make goals. I considered the word GOAL to be a four-letter word! It was difficult to forecast where people would travel and I had to also help prepare a budget (another ugly word).
It is a great tool to see how far you've come and what you've accomplished.

The Wikipedia article about Library 2.0 was informative and short. I picked it because of it's length. I didn't want to fall asleep at work! They should offer another foreign language class and it would be Computer Jargon. I cringe when the incredible I.T. people call. Please speak my language! And then there are the patrons who come in and speak the dreaded phrase "I am computer illiterate." Have you heard of the blind leading the blind? HAHAHA - not kidding here! Above all - keep your sense of humor!

1 comment:

westie_servant said...

I think you are faking it so you can default all the computer questions onto fellow old dog.
A girl as smart as you can't possibly be that helpless.
Check out the new photos on my blog.....or do you need help with that?
Animal Lover